Mbova Construction

about us

Mbova Construction emerges at the back-drop of a plethora of challenges facing entrepreneurs in South Africa and surrounding countries, obviously a small company at its formative stages. We emerge as an attempt to enter the main stream economy of South Africa through multiple service provisions., these services are the following;

  • Create job opportunities for people in which it operates.
  • Contribute in development by creating wealth and improve the wellbeing of the community by offering quality products.
  • Impose the initiative of ploughing back resources to the community.
  • Foster a vibrant economic atmosphere by being one of the leading organisations in the provision of excellent services.
  • Offer opportunities to previously disadvantaged individual-to-make a meaningful contribution and be empowered as such in the economic development process.

To be the service provider of choice for both the public and co-operate sector companies due to uncompromising quality standards throughout the company’s operations and activities.

Mbova Constructions mission is: “Giving quality professional services a completely new meaning”

Due to the diverse nature of services Mbova Construction envisages providing the targeted clientele in various industries and sectors. In so acting as the services provider, the enterprise intends to be driven by quality and professionalism.